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Movie Trivia

  • Nominating a particular film as the greatest ever is bound to start an friendly argument among movie fans.  The biggest challenge is deciding on the criteria to use...acting, writing, cinematography, or what?  A more concrete judgement might be made from the amount a particular film earned at the box office.  The problem with that is the increase in the price of movie tickets each year.  How can you judge a current film, charging $10 or more for admittance, with a movie that was shown in the 1940s for $.25.  Here is an AMC list, adjusted for inflation, of the all time, top 100 films.
  • How many times has a film moved you to want to travel?  The link below leads a list of (arguably) the 50 best travel movies of all time.  The list is wide ranging, including - for example -Eurotrip, the Indiana Jones series, In Bruge, and The Endless Summer.  It also features other films you may not have heard of but might be interested in seeing after you read about them.  The list is alphabetical and doesn't rank the movies so you and your friends can argue about which should be ranked highest.  You can find the list at


  • Are you a horror movie fan?  You might want to take a look at "Top 13 Greatest Horror Actors."  Remembering who terrorized me as a kid, I think that Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff should have rated higher than numbers 5 and 6.  See what you think at
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